Baking & Pastry

I want to make my passion my career.

It's hard to find someone who doesn't like dessert. It's not easy to find someone who has the talent, passion, and imagination to turn desserts into works of art. This is serious stuff—especially in a culinary industry that grows more competitive and demanding every day. It's why restaurants often call on the creativity of pastry chefs and bakers to help give them an edge. If you're ready to put your talents to the test, the place to start is our San Antonio Baking & Pastry programs, including our accredited Baking & Pastry Associate of Science (AS) Degree. While you'll focus on the pastry arts, we will provide a well-rounded education—from plating a dessert to preparing confections to managing a commercial kitchen. You'll be surrounded and inspired by other talented, creatively driven students. And you'll be pushed, challenged, and, above all else, supported by experienced faculty* who want to help you find your place in the world.

*Credentials and experience levels vary by faculty and instructors.

Degrees Offered

Meet our Alumni

  • The Art Institute of San Antonio, a branch of The Art Institute of Houston alumni Andrew Satterwhite

    Andrew Satterwhite

    Culinary Arts , 2013

    "The Art Institute of San Antonio [taught me] why recipes come out a certain way."

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    Andrew Satterwhite

    Line Cook at Luke San Antonio

    Andrew Satterwhite is working as a line cook at Luke San Antonio in Texas. He's responsible for set up, prep, and running the grill station for dinner service. Andrew served in the United States Army for four years as a parachute rigger and has also worked in construction. "All [of these experiences] have taught me skills that I can use for myself, but also I have used them to help this country grow," he says.

    Andrew looks to his surroundings for inspiration and says that the best part of his culinary career is that it's always changing. "This is one of the most diverse and exciting careers to have. I can go anywhere and learn recipes, techniques, and cultures to help me make new and exciting dishes [to] introduce to my family and others."

    Andrew, who in 2013 earned an Associate of Applied Science in Culinary Arts from The Art Institute of San Antonio, says that his education taught him why recipes turn out a certain way. "Growing up in California, I was lucky enough to encounter many cultures and the cuisines that accompanied them. In the Army, I used an electric skillet and a barbeque to make all my meals." He recommends that current students open their minds to learning. "Figure out how to make [learning] a driving force in everything you do."


  • Lisa George

    Lisa George

    Baking & Pastry , 2013

    "If you truly love culinary arts, then go for it. Live it."

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    Lisa George

    Baker, Aramark at Trinity University; 1st Class Petty Officer in U.S. Coast Guard

    Prepares Bread, Cookies, Desserts for University Students and Coast Guard Personnel

    Lisa George is a 1st Class Petty Officer in the United States Coast Guard and is working as a baker for Aramark at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas. She serves as a cook in the Coast Guard. In her baking job with Aramark, she caters for events and student dining, preparing breads, cookies, and desserts. Lisa is excited to have found her true passion—culinary arts.

    She is inspired by others who share her passion and she looks to more experienced chefs for advice and suggestions. "I enjoy the process of completing a project, be it a cookie or plated dessert. When people are happy from [eating my food], I am happy." Lisa, who in 2013 earned an Associate of Applied Science in Baking & Pastry from The Art Institute of San Antonio, says that her education built her confidence—both in interviews and in the kitchen. She recommends that current students stay focused and remember why they're in the kitchen. "If you truly love culinary arts, then go for it. Live it."

  • Wendy

    Wendy Arauza

    Baking & Pastry , 2013

    "[My education] prepared me with the fundamental knowledge for my career. Now it is up to me to carry on my knowledge to improve and grow in my profession."

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    Wendy Arauza

    Bakes for Banquets and Zocca Restaurant

    Wendy Marie Arauza is working as a baker at the Westin Riverwalk's Zocca Restaurant in San Antonio, Texas. She's responsible for baking for banquets and the restaurant. Wendy is proud to have returned to The Art Institute of San Antonio for the first ever student chef dinner, where she showed how much her skills have grown since graduation. Wendy believes that creating beautiful desserts is a great accomplishment—and she truly enjoys watching people enjoy her creations.

    Her creative influences include Chef Jacques Torres. "His passion and love for chocolate has inspired me to want to creative chocolates and pastries." She adds that The Kings of Pastry inspire her to make and create artwork in her field. Wendy, who in 2013 earned an Associate of Applied Science in Baking & Pastry from The Art Institute of San Antonio, says that her education provided the knowledge she needed to feel confident in the kitchen. "[My education] prepared me with the fundamental knowledge for my career. Now it is up to me to carry on my knowledge to improve and grow in my profession."

What Will I Study?

Baking & Pastry

This is where I belong.

The Baking & Pastry School curriculum is focused on helping you grow as both an artist and a technician. Working in professional kitchens, you'll explore both theory and practice through courses that take you from the fundamentals to the world cuisines that are emerging in popularity. You'll study:

  • Ingredients
  • Weight & Measures
  • Sanitation & Safety
  • Dessert Plating and Presentation
  • Artisan Breads
  • Baking Production
  • European Cakes and Tortes
  • Advanced Patisserie
  • Purchasing
  • Nutrition Science
  • Management, Supervision and Career Development

I'm looking for my proving ground.

At The Art Institute of San Antonio, creativity is our core, our calling, our culture. Our Baking & Pastry degree programs are built on that creative foundation. It's also built on our knowledge that a creative career is not for the faint of heart. Because it's tough out there, it's tough in here. But along with that toughness comes all the support you'll need at every step along the way. That's why we provide the mentoring and real-world experience to help you prevail, with faculty* who've worked in the field, along with opportunities to learn that go far beyond our kitchens. You'll be encouraged and expected to be bold. To take risks. To push yourself and the people around you. It won't be easy. In fact, it'll be the hardest thing you'll ever love.

*Credentials and experience levels vary by faculty and instructors.

Meet our Faculty

  • Woods HS

    Mary Catherine Woods

    Baking & Pastry

    "Collaboration is essential in the kitchen. If one person falls behind, the whole kitchen falls behind."

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    Mary Catherine Woods

    What would you say is the defining moment in your life when you knew you were destined to become a creative professional?

    Baking and Pastry wasn't my very first choice when I went to college. Growing up, like many Pastry Chefs, I always loved to create desserts and experiment at home. I never really thought I could make it a career.  After graduating with a BS in Merchandising and Management from The University of Wisconsin, I went to work for a company in Atlanta within the wholesale industry. As time went on, my passion and interest in Baking and Pastry continued to grow. The restaurant scene in Atlanta was on the rise, and I found myself being drawn more to the culinary scene than my current career. I researched culinary schools, and I enrolled at The Art Institute of Atlanta. Once I started school, I ended my merchandising career and started working in restaurants. For me, it wasn't one defining moment, but more of a progression and building of a passion.

    How do you weave your professional background into the classroom experience to provide an industry veteran's sense of the realities / challenges / opportunities of the profession?

    While we have a structured program, I am still able to show them different ways of producing or presenting different recipes. They need to know that just because the recipe states one way, many Chefs may produce it in another way. Simply telling them stories of my times in the industry allows them to ask questions that may not be otherwise asked and weaves into what we are producing at that time. I also take times during class to treat them as though they are my cooks and we have a certain menu to create and have done and presented by certain time, as though we are industry.

    Is there a class assignment that exemplifies your approach to teaching and mentoring? Similarly, how does your approach inspire each student to push themselves beyond their own perceived limits?

    Many students have the passion for this career, but at the same time can become overwhelmed once they are in the classroom. I try to break it down for them in terms they understand, as well as relate it to real life situations. Taking the time to work with them one on one as much as possible gives me an insight as to how they work, the way they organize, as well as their strengths and weaknesses. From here I try to help them turn their weaknesses into strengths, which in turn builds their confidence and they see just how much they can accomplish.

    What role does collaboration contribute to students' success, especially when students from other programs contribute to the same project?

    Collaboration is essential in the kitchen. If one person falls behind, the whole kitchen falls behind. Constant communication within a team is crucial, and is something I try to ingrain in students. Asking for help is not weakness, it's strength. When the students are in groups, it only reinforces what type of environment they will be working in.

    In your opinion, what is the single most important thing you impart to your students to help them succeed in your class and in the real world? Alternatively, what is the most critical advice you would offer any student as he / she embarks on a creative career?

    To be a team player, listen, and ask for help when needed. Learn from your fellow cooks and Chefs. Not only will you learn skills that will advance you to the next level, but you may also learn what NOT to do when you climb the ranks in the kitchen. Always observe and never stop learning. Even when you graduate and are in the industry, go to other kitchens to do a stage for a day or two. You will be amazed at what you learn from other people, and in turn will help you grow.


  • Mike Buttles HS

    Mike Buttles

    Culinary Arts

    "One of the greatest assets of what we do is that culinary is the world's most portable profession."

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    Mike Buttles

    What would you say is the defining moment in your life when you knew you were destined to become a creative professional?

    My first position, after graduating from the University of South Florida in rhetoric and public address (speech), was as a property manager and trainer for residential and commercial real estate. In a very short time, I was promoted to a position where I was responsible to train new managers. I look back on my successes and can wholly attribute them to an ability to see circumstances and issues, including what's for dinner, through the eyes of others. Face it; cooking for others, not yourself, is the credo for any practicing chef. Armed with this background and an incredible understanding in fiscal decision making that came right along with it, I eagerly approached the next learning phase of my life; culinary school in Paris, France.

    How do you weave your professional background into the classroom experience to provide an industry veteran's sense of the realities / challenges / opportunities of the profession?

    During the past years, I have been an instructor, an historian, an executive chef, a restaurant consultant, a program director, and a student for a very enjoyable time. Needless to say, a lot of this overlapped. One of the greatest assets of what we do is that culinary is the world's most portable profession. I try to share my experiences in the industry and also connect the dots historically for students who have not traveled or experienced as many different cuisines.

    Is there a class assignment that exemplifies your approach to teaching and mentoring? Similarly, how does your approach inspire each student to push themselves beyond their own perceived limits?

    My classrooms encourage sharing ideas and experiences. When we critique food we talk about the flavors, textures, and techniques used to achieve a finish product. I also focus on the business of foodservice to ensure that students understand that being a professional cook or chef is different from cooking in your home. You need to understand how to manage resources and, most importantly, time.

    What role does collaboration contribute to students' success, especially when students from other programs contribute to the same project?

    Collaboration in the food and beverage industry is how we take care of our guests. Assignments in my classes foster this collaboration so that students practice communication and partnership with others towards a common goal.

    In your opinion, what is the single most important thing you impart to your students to help them succeed in your class and in the real world? Alternatively, what is the most critical advice you would offer any student as he / she embarks on a creative career?

    I teach students in my classes to be lifelong learners. I demonstrate to them that I am still learning and encourage them to not think of school as a thing you do once. Learning is a process of developing and engaging with the world to understand more over a much longer period of time.


  • Christina M. Perrington, CEC

    Christina M. Perrington, CEC

    Culinary Arts

    Do what you love... life's too short not to enjoy it.

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    Christina M. Perrington, CEC

    Was there a defining moment when you knew you were destined to become a creative professional?

    While I was serving during Operation Desert Storm/Desert Shield, I learned that one person could make a difference. I was a food service sergeant preparing meals for the soldiers in my unit. I used my years of experience and my creativity to make sure everything they ate was the best it could be. Good food boosts morale...and it's my first love.

    How do you weave your professional background into the classroom experience?

    I use my life and professional experiences—good and bad—to add context to classroom lessons and help students better understand the material. My stepmother is from Vietnam, and I've traveled to many countries in Asia, which is why I specialize in Asian Cuisine.

    What class assignment exemplifies your approach to teaching and mentoring?

    I ask students to build a business plan...I love teaching the purchasing and cost-control aspect of it. I try to relate all the material to students' everyday lives. Most of my students don't like math, so I give them as many resources as possible to help them feel more confident with the project.

    How does collaboration contribute to students' success—particularly when students from various programs work together?

    They have a wonderful opportunity to work with students from other programs in their business plans, portfolios and menu design—not to mention the chance to make friends for life.

    What's the most important thing you impart to students to help them succeed in class and the real world?

    My life philosophy is that the more I know, the more I know I don't know. Life is really just an education outside the classroom. I love teaching students about food, which is my passion

    What's the most critical advice you would offer any student embarking on a creative career?

    Do what you's too short not to enjoy it.

    Anything else you'd like to share?

    I've been in the culinary industry for over 35 years, and I've seen many changes in the industry. But one thing has stayed the same: success takes hard work and perseverance. Food may be a necessity of life, but it's also my passion. And it's an honor to be able to teach what I love.


  • Gary Rice

    Gary Rice, MBA

    Culinary Arts

    "Be true to yourself and work hard."

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    Gary Rice, MBA

    Was there a defining moment when you knew you were destined to become a creative professional?

    When I was 20 years old and recovering from a life-threatening illness, I began to see my life differently. I spent the better part of two years in physical, occupational, and speech therapy. After recovery I decided to take on a new take my love of cooking and make a career out of it.

    How do you weave your professional background into the classroom experience?

    With over two decades in the hospitality industry, I have plenty of real-world experience to share in the classroom. It all works into discussions on motivation, self-discipline, and pride. I use my contacts in the San Antonio area to bring in guest lecturers, take students on trips to hotels and restaurants, and bring them to seminars and restaurant association events where they can begin doing some networking.

    What class assignment exemplifies your approach to teaching and mentoring?

    I love to teach Capstone. It's an all-encompassing class that lets me see just how much student have learned in my program. Watching them during their cooking practical shows me where the school is in terms of attention to teaching the core basics.

    What's the most important thing you impart to students to help them succeed in class and the real world?

    Listen, ask questions, and stay current with trends and technology. Be true to yourself and work hard. Work in as many different places as you can when you're young... explore the industry, then settle down and make a career of what you love best.

    Anything else you'd like to share?

    As a program chair, I treat every student and every one of my team members as if they were family.


  • Gregory Williams

    Gregory Williams, MBA, CEC

    Culinary Arts

    Never stop learning, and don't be afraid to fail.

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    Gregory Williams, MBA, CEC

    Was there a defining moment when you knew you were destined to become a creative professional?

    When I was around five years old, my brother and I opened a "restaurant" at our house for our friends. We set the kitchen floor on fire with a flaming grilled cheese sandwich. I've been cooking ever since.

    How do you weave your professional background into the classroom experience?

    I've enjoyed plenty of success in this industry, but it's my failures that I like to bring up in class. Students need to know that, as professionals, they'll fail at something. The key is to not let it get you down...and to learn from every mistake, and every failure.

    What class assignment exemplifies your approach to teaching and mentoring?

    It's not a single assignment, but a class called À La Carte. I take a hands-off, advisory role and let the students take control of our student restaurant. The students help devise the menu, lay out the kitchen, and experience running an actual restaurant. When they're empowered, when they're praised for a job well done, students take the extra steps—and, in many cases, perform beyond their own perceived limits.

    How does collaboration contribute to students' success—particularly when students from various programs work together?

    Many culinarians think that being a great cook is all it takes to succeed. Not true. All great restaurants work with other talented creative professionals to bring their vision to life. It takes photographers, graphic designers, web designers, interior designers, and more to create a restaurant. We're all good at what we do, but few are good at everything. Collaboration lets each person play to their strengths to create something great.

    What's the most important thing you impart to students to help them succeed in class and the real world?

    Never stop learning, and don't be afraid to fail. That's the advice I'd give my younger self if I had the chance. The first part is simple—you can never learn too much. In our industry you can bet that your competition is up late doing research, practicing, or checking out new trends. Don't lose out because you weren't educated.

    Anything else you'd like to share?

    I always say that getting into teaching was my happy accident. I never thought I'd be in this role, and I'm glad I was given the chance. Being a part of people's education, growth, and lifelong success is a great honor.


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